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School Personnel

Principal Walker, Stephanie 513-722-2227
Assistant Principal Isaacs, Randi --
Principal's Secretary
Officially: Principal's Secretary / Secretary
Bailey, Debra --
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director, Administrator, Coach
Wake, Scott --
Asst Athletic Director
Officially: Coach, Teacher, Administrator
Miller, Greg --
Athletic Secretaries None listed...
Athletic Trainer Amisano, Gabriella --

District Personnel

Superintendent Bailey, Brian --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Wake, Scott --
Treasurer Shinkle, Todd --
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Rocky Mason <>
Fall Boys Football Shane Elkin <>
Josh Finley <>
Fall Boys Golf Greg Miller <>
Fall Boys Soccer Justin Lengyel <>
Fall Girls Cross Country Rocky Mason <>
Fall Girls Spirit Jacque Strauss <>
Fall Girls Golf Hillary Gatio <>
Lisa Smith <>
Fall Girls Soccer Edwin Sam Jr. <>
Malia Ferry <>
Fall Girls Tennis Dinah Middick <>
Fall Girls Volleyball Amy Schmidbauer <>
Winter Boys Basketball Miles Burton <>
Winter Boys Bowling Rick Davis <>
Winter Boys Wrestling Dan Hill <>
Winter Girls Basketball Scott Wake <>
Winter Girls Spirit Jacque Strauss <>
Winter Girls Bowling Angel Tudor <>
Phillip Tudor <>
Winter Girls Wrestling Dan Hill <>
Spring Boys Baseball Tyler Downey <>
Spring Boys Tennis
Spring Boys Track & Field Jack Bailey <>
Spring Girls Softball Eric Campbell <>
Justin McClanahan <>
Spring Girls Track & Field Jack Bailey <>


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Coed Music (Band)